
Grounded in the liberal arts tradition and consistent with our mission, 亚洲博彩平台排名 University's bachelor's degrees in elementary and special education integrate content-oriented curricula with comprehensive study of teaching methods and practical field experience in diverse settings. We emphasize culturally responsive teaching and attentively revise our curriculum to ensure that our students are implementing the most current, innovative and effective practices in the schools where they work.


亚洲博彩平台排名's practice-based elementary education curriculum delivers diverse content knowledge designed to ready students to apply for Rhode Island teacher certification in grades 1-6. 严格的课程要求一般, liberal and humanistic education while emphasizing foundational studies, specialized methods and a program of expanding field experience – all of which culminates with required student teaching in one of our many partnering elementary schools.

The special education program – which can only be taken as a double major with early childhood or elementary education – prepares majors to work with students impacted by mild and moderate special needs. Our students examine exceptionality and its relation to learning styles, 教学风格和服务模式. 通过全面的课程学习和实地经验, majors develop strategies that respond to students’ behavioral needs while effectively managing their classrooms and their teaching practice.

亚洲博彩平台排名's elementary education and special education programs are committed to graduating highly qualified, well-prepared teachers who are active participants in the lives of children and the vitality of schools.


伊莉斯Capozzi, 小学和特殊教育双学位, was drawn to the mission of the Council for Exceptional Children from the moment she was introduced to the organization during Club Rush as a first-year student. Now a senior and serving her second consecutive year as the chapter’s president, she’s on her own mission to introduce CEC’s important work to many more across the campus community.

 My involvement in CEC has given me a better understanding of organizations that advocate for individuals with disabilities. These organizations allow families to work with professionals and meet other families who also have children with the same disability. It is important for educators to be familiar with these organizations in order to provide them as resources for families.



Comprehensive instruction and personalized guidance from our committed and experienced faculty ensures that our students acquire the knowledge and skills needed to put theory into practice, 并成为模范的实践者和学者.​




亚洲博彩平台排名's program prepares graduates to become certified teachers, but the diverse knowledge and skills that are gained – including organization, 写作和陈述, 与父母或监护人一起工作, 总结的想法, 灵活性, 创造力, 清楚地解释想法, 决策, 课程计划, 团队合作, technological skills and so much more – makes our majors ideal candidates for a wide variety of jobs and careers, 无论是在教室里还是在教室外.


  • 成人教育教师
  • 体育教练/主任
  • 儿童生活专家
  • 课程专家
  • 日托管理员
  • 教育管理
  • 教材销售
  • 教育咨询师
  • 指导顾问
  • 导师,学院/大学
  • 图书管理员
  • 媒体中心专员
  • 体育教师
  • 资源的老师
  • 学校管理员
  • 学校心理学家
  • 特殊教育管理员
  • 语言病理学家
  • 学生事务管理员
  • 学生人事管理员
  • 工艺美术教师
  • 培训专员
  • 导师
  • 职业康复咨询师

 这个项目独树一帜. I am a better educator because I am capable of reaching all students of all academic and functional abilities. 

Jennifer Laramie ’18, special educator, Dothan Brook Elementary School, Wilder, Vermont


14门课程| 51学分


  • EDC120: Introduction to Race and Inequality in American Education
  • EDC202:阅读基础
  • EDC220: Child and Adolescent Development and Theories of Learning
  • EDC243:儿童文学
  • EDC298: 导师ing and Mentoring in a Multicultural Society I
  • EDC299: 导师ing and Mentoring in a Multicultural Society II
  • EDC305:小学社会研究教学
  • EDC320:教学识字和语言
  • EDC323: Teaching Mathematics and Science in Elementary School
  • EDC354:英语学习者教学策略
  • EDC431:基础教育中的学生教学
  • EDC432:基础教育学生教学研讨会

Students also complete the following courses in other disciplines:

  • SED211: Introduction to the Characteristics of Students With Exceptionalities
  • SED232: Principles and Procedures for Behavior and Classroom Management



21门课程| 79学分


  • EDC120: Introduction to Race and Inequity in American Education
  • EDC202:阅读基础
  • EDC220: Child and Adolescent Development and Theories of Learning
  • EDC243:儿童文学
  • EDC298: 导师ing and Mentoring in a Multicultural Society I
  • EDC299: 导师ing and Mentoring in a Multicultural Society II
  • EDC305:小学社会研究教学
  • EDC320:教学识字和语言
  • EDC323: Teaching Mathematics and Science in the Elementary School
  • EDC354:英语学习者教学策略
  • EDC431:基础教育中的学生教学
  • EDC432:基础教育学生教学研讨会


  • SED211: Introduction to the Characteristics of Students With Exceptionalities
  • SED225: Literacy, Language and Communication Development for Children With Disabilities
  • SED232: Principles and Procedures for Behavior and Classroom Management
  • SED305:强化干预:课程, Methodology and Assessment for Students With Mild/Moderate Disabilities I
  • SED310: Special Education in the Inclusive Classroom: Curriculum, Methodology and Assessment for Students With Mild/Moderate Disabilities II
  • SED331: Assessment Procedures for Children With Disabilities
  • SED350:协作:家庭,学校和社区
  • SED411:特殊教育中的学生教学
  • SED432:特殊教育学生教学研讨会



所有教育专业, 还有非教育专业的学生, 可以辅修特殊教育吗. Our minor does not meet the requirements for special education teacher certification.

6门课程| 18学分


  • SED211: Introduction to the Characteristics of Students With Exceptionalities
  • SED225: Literacy, Language and Communication Development for Children With Disabilities
  • SED370: Working With Young Children With Language and Literacy Challenges
  • SED380: Strategies for Young Children With Diverse Learning Needs
  • 两门特殊教育选修课程

Required courses for elementary education and secondary education majors:

  • SED211: Introduction to the Characteristics of Students With Exceptionalities
  • SED225: Literacy, Language and Communication Development for Children With Disabilities
  • SED232: Principles and Procedures for Behavior and Classroom Management
  • SED350:协作:家庭,学校和社区
  • 两门特殊教育选修课程


  • SED211: Introduction to the Characteristics of Students with Exceptionalities
  • SED225: Literacy, Language and Communication Development for Children With Disabilities
  • SED350:协作:家庭,学校和社区
  • 两门特殊教育选修课程
  • One additional course approved by the coordinator of elementary and special education